About Me

Hi, I'm Divinity Dark

I have been honing my gifts of divination and spirituality for over 15 years, but like many others, COVID acted as a catalyst that launched me into alignment with even more of my spiritual gifts.

I spent 3 years studying various religions, belief systems and crafts, collecting spiritual knowledge with the intention of discovering my mission, while pursuing my master's degree in Counseling Psychology.

My mission is to share my knowledge and offer guidance to those whose light is aligned with mine. I understand that not every soul is meant to connect with mine, and not all will understand or support my mission.

If you feel led to connect with me, book your free consultation with me now and let's see what messages Spirit has been waiting for you to receive!


My Services

I offer a wide range of spiritual guidance on the following topics:

  • General Messages and Guidance

  • Divination (clarity on your future)

  • Love and Relationships

  • Money and Finances

  • Past Life and Karma Cycles

  • Enlightenment and Shadow Work

I also offer custom sessions by request.

For a very select few, I extend my spiritual coaching sessions. In these sessions, I work with you and your spiritual guides to create the framework of what your dream life looks like and to develop a workable pathway to get you there from where you currently are.

Coaching options include:

  • Single-session coaching (or as needed)

  • 3- or 5-session coaching bundles (for one specific issue)

  • Client Memberships (1 session/week for 3, 6, or 9 month terms)

scrabble chips forming shift happens word near white feather
scrabble chips forming shift happens word near white feather

If you're new to your journey or not sure where to turn for spiritual knowledge and information that is actually helpful, I have gimmick-free classes where I explain in detail my no-nonsense approach to manifestation, the tools I've used with proven results, and in-depth examples of how to use my method to manifest everything your soul wants.

My upcoming courses are:

  • Manifesting a Life of Ease

  • 7 Days to Real Results

  • 30-day Change Your Life Challenge

  • The Divinitarian Method of Manifesting

  • 3-day Mindset Shifting

Join my mailing list below to enroll in these courses and for Start Date information.

I started The Divinist to help guide, coach and teach a select group of souls how to shift into the desired lives, realities and timelines they deserve. From guidance sessions and coaching to full scale courses, if you are ready to level up your life, you'll find all the support you need here.



Bells and Whistles

Maybe you're already a manifesting expert or already have a perfectly good Diviner on your team; great for you! But I'm sure you'll still find some useful gems here on the site.

Hey, look, I'm multi-dimensional!

Yes, I'm the Divinist, but I'm also the writer behind Divinity Dark Lore AND the creator of Dreamstoner!

Spirituality might be my calling, but writing is my first love. I write for the joy of it, so I have a mix of free fanfics you can also find on my Wattpad Account (@divinitydark) and a growing collection of my own original stories in progress you can check out soon! Divinity Dark Lore is coming soon!

In my later years, I've grown to truly appreciate cannabis in legal hemp (THCa) form. But it's always marketed as a street drug for losers who can't string a sentence together. Hemp has helped me do some amazing things and my love for this amazing elevating herb sparked the idea for Dreamstoner, my online boutique of spiritual hemp-inspired apparel, accessories and consumables.

If gardening is your jam, or if you just like "High Art" featured on your favorite oversized Tees, click the button to check out my shop!

Divinity Dark Lore